Welcome to

The Vera International Photo Club

In VIPC we share a passion for taking photographs, developing and sharing skills and discovering our individual styles. Please take a look at our website and hopefully you will find it of interest and should you wish to join us, then please go to the contact page.

In the banner you see one of the best images of our last challenge, this month:

photo: Trevor Perry

-Dear VIPC member,

The website will be undergoing some changes.

The interclub competition with Wallingford Camera Club on Thursday 20th of March at 8p.m. was a success!

The score was : Wallingford Camera Club: 339 - VIPC: 336

Wallingford had 2 images withheld for “best of the competition” and we had 5!!!!

The top 3 was chosen: Vivien Dacie-Ward’s “Coralie” was elected the winner and Frank Notteboom’s “Little arrangement” came 3rd. Congratulations

The winner of the JOHN MICHAEL TROPHY 2024 is Emilio Aramburu. Congratulations!

Some images from handing out the Stan Roberts Trophies.

And some from our Christmas lunch.

Current Location

Vera, Almeria, Spain