

Thursday 20th March 2025, 08.30pm 

 International inter-club photo challenge with Wallingford Camera Club, Oxfordshire, UK.  Each club will enter an equal number of images which will be evaluated and judged by an independent person.   This is an on-line only meeting held via Zoom.  Please note that this is an evening meeting to coincide with Wallingford CC's regular programme of events.

More info will follow

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Interclub Meeting with Gateway Camera Club

Interclub Meeting with Gateway Camera Club

International Photo Event with the Gateway Camera Club, Massechusetts, U.S.A.

This event is not a competition. It is a chance for presenting 20 images of our own members and their unique vision and see the equal amount of images from the Gateway Club. Time for submissions will be anounced. Please take time to select your “signature”-image.

Please note 4pm Madrid time

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Adobe Camera Raw & Photoshop Workshop

Adobe Camera Raw & Photoshop Workshop

 The workshop will attempt to address any techniques that members wish to be covered.  Members are asked to submit their requests for aspects of Photoshop or Adobe Camera Raw (the basic Raw processing engine that is shared between Lightroom and Photoshop) to be covered by email to before 5th February.  Potential areas include sharpening, colour balance, adjustment layers, blending, etc.

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