Emilio Aramburu

Emilio was born in 1955, Madrid, Spain

My first approach to photography goes back to my childhood, when I accompanied my father in the "mysteries" of processing and printing in a small dark room, equipped with a homemade enlarger.

During my studies and subsequent profession as a journalist, much of my work involved photojournalism.

When I moved to live in Mojacar (Andalusia) 30 years ago, I had the opportunity to enjoy my other passion: archaeology.

My interest in photography and archaeology has developed into an extensive and lasting personal project. I collect material and make graphic recordings of places, spaces and elements in which we can still find a testimony of the imprint that man has left in these places down the ages.

In some of the photos I try to reflect the presence of the near past, without future. My aim is to convey in each of the images the silence of solitude and abandonment transmitted in those spaces.
“Photography is a document created by man. In it there is always something that someday will cease to be. It will disappear leaving no trace of his own image.”