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Unfortunately Ian McCurrach who had agreed to judge our Annual Photo Competition has been taken ill. The judging will now be done by Allan Gawthorpe who is the chairman of the Bon Accord Camera Club. I am sure you will join me in wishing Ian a speedy recovery from his illness.

Allan Gawthorpe joined Bon-Accord camera club in Aberdeen in September 1979, became club president in May 2004 till May 2006, stood down to go on to Scottish Photographic Federation [S.P.F.]Executive Committee for18 years. Was President of the SPF for three years

At Bon-Accord he helped run a successful international slide Salon called Bon-A-Slide which ran for 16 years until the chairman died suddenly.

He has been on the S.P,F. judging list for the last thirty years and for the last ten on the P.A.G.B. judging list also, and still is.

He was a successful exhibitor in Salons around the world in the days of slide film and home processed prints and has won gold medals at several.

Still enjoys the judging experience and looking fore-ward to viewing our clubs images.

A brief will be given on the upcoming “Barriers” challenge

January 30

Night photography workshop