Lesley Miller

My late father was a keen amateur photographer, complete with a developing lab in the attic of our house in England. I was fascinated! In the 1970s I studied at a small art college where I again did more photography. BUT - life moves on and by the time I was able to take up a camera again everything had changed to digital so I had to start again.

In 2017 my late partner bought me a Nikon D7200 and I started again. Initially I was limited to taking photographs in the local area but in 2020, despite the Covid 19 pandemic, I found myself in Barbados for few months, where I was able to take very different photographs and learned to sit still and quiet for a long time, waiting for the green tailed monkeys to appear!

The Vera Photo Club has helped me improve my photographic skills, and although I am still learning, I'm keep to continue to progress.