Rob Palmer


I have been involved in photography for almost 40 years.  Despite my advancing years I try to maintain a fresh approach to my photography, have a very long ‘to do’ list and still feel the same enthusiasm for the medium as I did when I bought my first camera.  Over time my photography has changed and, now, I enjoy working on series or sets of pictures and displaying them as panels.

The images on this website stem from being treated, successfully, for prostate cancer and, more recently, my desire for a new challenge in my photography.  That new challenge came in the form of testing myself to meet the demands of the Photographic Society of America’s Portfolio Distinctions standards.  There are three levels of awards, ranging from Bronze to Gold.  The panel, or portfolio, shown here achieved Bronze in 2019.  In October 2020 I was successful in reaching the Silver level with a panel of 15 images.

 Although the awards entitle you to put letters after your name, the challenge comes from meeting the standards, which require you to look for and see the photographic potential around us all, and think about how you want to convey and display your vision.